Our Mission At WTLS Is To Provide Equal Access To Justice In West Tennessee.

We offer no-cost civil legal aid to West Tennesseans, focusing on issues that affect family safety, cohesiveness, and stability.

Through our work, we ensure that our neighbors have access to healthcare and are able to secure or retain income and shelter. We protect the personal freedom and security of survivors of abuse. Our attorneys and paralegals are there for our community members when they need us most, and we are proud to serve West Tennessee.

We Serve The Following Counties:

Our Staff

We have an award-winning staff at WTLS. Our staff includes two B. Riney Green Award winners, two Tennessee New Advocate of the Year Award winners, a Law Student for Justice Award winner, and a certified member of the National Board of Trial Advocacy.

Our Community

We are able to increase the impact of our work at WTLS by working with our wonderful community partners. Organizations that we have been lucky to work with include Southwest and Northwest Area Agencies on Aging and Disability, United Way of West Tennessee, WRAP (Wo/Men's Resource and Rape Assistance Program), Northwest Tennessee Economic Development Council Head Start and Early Head Start Programs, and the Community Foundation of Greater Memphis.

WTLS is committed to ensuring fairness in the civil justice system for members of our community and addressing issues that foster inter-generational poverty.

We hope you'll take a minute to learn more about our history and our priorities. You can support the important work that we do by becoming a monthly donor.