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SSI and Pandemic Payments

SSI & Pandemic Payments

The Social Security Administration recently updated its guidance on pandemic-related financial assistance to make it clearer that these funds will never be counted as a resource for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) eligibility. This means individuals receiving SSI who save pandemic-related financial assistance payments are not penalized. The penalty could be as harsh as a denial of monthly benefits.  Pandemic related assistance may also be called stimulus payments.  Examples of assistance include:

• $1,200 for every individual with a Social Security number, plus $500 for each dependent child under age 17. Payments were issued automatically to SSI and Social Security recipients in April or May 2020.

• $600 for every individual with a Social Security number, plus $600 for each dependent child under age 17. Payments were issued automatically to SSI and Social Security recipients at the end of December 2020.

• $1,400 for every individual with a Social Security number, plus $1,400 for each qualifying dependent of any age. Payments were issued automatically to SSI and Social Security recipients in April 2021.

 Individuals whose benefits were denied or terminated due to the stimulus payments or other pandemic-related assistance being incorrectly counted as a resource for SSI should contact West TN Legal Services, Inc. for help with an appeal by applying for our services online or by calling 1-800-372-8346.

This page is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for legal advice from an attorney. All information was accurate at the time of posting. If you have further questions about this information please call 1-800-372-8346 or click here to apply for our services.